iKare: Disaster Relief

Donation Goal For This Project is $40,000
57% Donated/$17,000 To Go
Donate Now


Our thoughts and prayers are with our Brothers in the Western Province who have been impacted by the California wildfires. Authorities have called these wildfires the largest in the state’s history and the fires are still raging to date.

Our Brothers and their families in the impacted areas will greatly need assistance. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated and the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation are committed to helping them in their time of need.

This is a call to action to assist Kappa’s relief efforts by giving to the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation’s iKare Disaster Relief Fund. There is no amount too small, and all proceeds will be directed to the Western Province to assist as needed. The amount of devastation is immeasurable. Any financial support that you provide will help these families rebuild.

Please click the link to give to the iKARE: Disaster Relief Fund today.

Remember, “I Can Because iKare.” Let us continue to keep our brothers in prayer and lend a helping hand wherever we can.

Yours in the Bond,
Michael J. Dubose
Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation President