Senior Kappa Affairs Endowment Fund (SKAEF) Grants

Each year, income yields from the Senior Kappa Affairs Endowment Fund (SKAEF) are to be used for Community Service projects. Such projects are initiated by Senior Kappa Affairs Committees throughout Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Monetary awards for such projects will be given out based on grant submittals. To receive a grant from the SKAEF, the grant application must follow the requirements listed below. Every application for a grant will be considered and evaluated. Feedback on each submittal will be given to the submitting chapter’s Senior Kappa Affairs Chairman.
The maximum award allowed for per chapter, per grant, each year is $1,000. The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation will disperse grant monies. A Chapter can receive only one grant a year. A schedule, including actual dates of grant activities must be included with each submittal. Grants are for community service, tax code 501-C-3 activities. Requests for grants from the SKAEF must emanate from the local chapter Senior Kappa Affairs Chairman (SKAC). All submittals will be considered for funding, but there should be no expectation that all submittals will be approved. It is also required that grant funds are not used to fund activities that solely or directly benefit members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
To qualify for a grant, the chapter must have a standing Senior Kappa Affairs Committee as verified by their Province’s Senior Kappa Affairs Chairman. The grant request must include a succinct description of the intended use of the grant monies. Also, it must contain a statement regarding the anticipated impact the grant will have on its intended target. The time window for submittal of grant proposals is March 1 through April 30 each year, after which it closes. Winning proposals will receive awards during the following month.
Within 45 days of the completion of activity associated with the grant, a report must be submitted to the SKAEF Advisory Board. It should contain feedback on the grants impact and pictures that document the accomplishments. The report should come from the chapter SKAC, chairman who is solely and exclusively responsible for executing the activity funded by the Grant as described in the submittal. Failure to submit a report may cause future requests from the chapter to be denied.
SKAEF grant activities must be completed within the dollar value approved. No additional funds will be made available.
To submit a proposal for the Senior Kappa Affairs Endowment Fund, please log in to the Members Only section of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. website,
To make a donation to the Senior Kappa Affairs Endowment Fund, please click here or on the button below.