Ways to Contribute
There are many ways you can contribute to our mission. Review the many options below and select buttons to learn more about additional ways to support.
Gifts of cash are the most common way of supporting the Kappa Foundation. Your gift is tax deductible. Presently the Foundation has three categories of cash gifts:
A pledge of $1,000, through an initial payment of $250 and the balance of $750 over the course of three years in increments of at least $250.00. The goal is to have 1,000 brothers contribute $1,000, each, creating a $1 Million endowment. The interest from the endowment will be used to fund Foundation activities and operations. Once the $1,000 pledge is completed, donors receive an embossed plaque and a jewel encrusted Foundation lapel pin.
A minimum contribution of $100 per year to fund Foundation activities and operations. Member receives a certificate and a Foundation lapel pin.
Contributions of any amount used to fund Foundation activities and operations.
Gifts of securities, especially appreciated stock, offer two distinct advantages to the donor:
• A charitable income tax deduction, and
• Elimination of a capital gains tax.
It may be to your advantage to make a gift of other capital assets include real estate, works of art, insurance, antiques, jewelry, etc. The advantages of any particular gift depends on the donor’s circumstances. One’s estate assets may be distributed over the owner’s lifetime in order to reduce future estate taxes and administrative costs.
A donor may name the Kappa Foundation irrevocably as the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy. The present cash surrender value of the policy is deductible as a charitable contribution to the Kappa Foundation. If the donor elects to continue to pay premiums after donating the policy, the premiums are deductible also.
A donor may add the Kappa Foundation to his will as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary. Bequest may be used to be establish named gift funds (e.g. scholarship fund) or memorial funds.
Many companies have a program which matches gifts to non-profit tax-exempt organizations. This information and the appropriate forms are available in your employer’s personnel department.
A Charitable Gift Annuity is a contract between an individual and the Kappa Foundation. The individual donates assets to the Kappa Foundation in exchange for guaranteed payment for tax purposes as a combination of non-taxable income, capital gains income, and ordinary income. A Charitable Gift Annuity:
• Provides income for the donor and/ or beneficiary;
• Provides a charitable income tax deduction;
• Eliminates capital gains tax;
• Provides professional investment management; and
• Provides professional investment management.
A Charitable Lead Trust is an individually-managed trust that pays an annuity or a fixed percentage of the assets to the Kappa Foundation for a specified number of years. At the end of this period, the assets are passed on to the beneficiaries named by the donor. The Charitable Lead Trust:
• Enables the donor to transfer assets to heirs at reduced gift and estate tax costs;
• Provides a way to transfer the full-appreciated value of assets to beneficiaries with no further gift and estate tax at termination of trust.
Beginning Your Legacy Giving
All members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and its Silhouettes are eligible to join the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation’s Legacy Giving Program. This program allows contributors to make substantial, tax-deductible contributions to the Foundation. You can achieve a Legacy level immediately in one donation or enter the program incrementally with an initial donation of at least $500.
Achieving a Legacy level is a singular accomplishment and cannot be repeated. The first award level for members is the Foundation President’s Award at $2,500. For the Silhouettes, there is a special edition award at $1,500 that honors Silhouette Elva J. Edwards. Previous donors shall be given credit for past donations, but they must activate entry into the Legacy Program with a minimum contribution of $500.
- The Foundation will notify you of your current contribution status upon your initial entry into the program.
- Prior contributions to the Million Dollar Club, Foundation Club, K-100, Celebration of Achievement, Building the Dream Klassic and personal monetary donations will be used to determine the level of entry.
- All subsequent Legacy donations are cumulative and apply to the next level.
- A separate medallion/charm is given for each level of giving.
- You can make your activation contribution (previous donors) or initial contribution into the program online at the Foundation website, thekappafoundation.org, or by mailing your check to Foundation Headquarters.

Legacy gifts sustain key Foundation operations and fraternity programs and provide scholarship funds to high-achieving students. Planned gifts provide benefits to future generations of our youth and to you and your heirs.
The Legacy Program is a way to recognize those donors who make qualifying gifts (bequests, trusts, and annuities). Being a member of the Legacy program indicates that you believe in our proud heritage of strengthening the lives of young men and giving them a path to be successful.
Kappa Foundation Legacy members have extraordinary foresight. To begin, please complete the Confidential Bequest Intention Form (see below) or contact us at our International Headquarters office.
- Make a gift to the Kappa Foundation through your will, trust, or retirement plan.
- Maintain control of your assets during your lifetime.
- Receive a charitable estate tax deduction that may reduce or eliminate estate taxes.
- Optional: Designate your gift for a specific program or scholarship.
- Create a permanent legacy.
TAX BENEFITS (consult your tax advisor)
- Receive an estate tax charitable deduction for the value of your gift to the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation.
- This deduction may offset estate taxes owed upon your death.
- A bequest of an IRA or retirement asset may save both estate and income taxes.
- Specific Bequests are used to make gifts of a certain dollar amount or specific assets such as stock, real estate, or personal property.
- Contingent Bequests will result in gifts to the Kappa Foundation only in the event of the death of other beneficiaries or the fulfillment of certain conditions described in your estate plan.
- By making a bequest, you will establish a legacy for the Foundation in your honor.
- At your request, your gift may be unrestricted or designated to a particular cause or program that you want to support.
Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation Heritage Society
Brothers and Friends who make a Planned Giving or Bequest gift to the Foundation will be honored as a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation Heritage Society. These contributors will be awarded a special certificate addressing their contribution. Their names will be permanently placed on our Honor Roll at International Headquarters.
Legacy Program
As a result of the Planned Gift, Kappa Alpha Psi (c) Fraternity, Inc. members and/or Silhouettes donors will become a member of the Kappa Foundation Legacy Program at the appropriate gift level. If the donor is already a Legacy Program member, their status will be upgraded accordingly.
Making a Legacy Gift
There are several ways to make a legacy gift through your estate plan:
- You can make a gift of cash, securities, real estate, or other property directly to the Kappa Foundation.
- You can give the Kappa Foundation a specific percentage of your estate.
- You can designate the Kappa Foundation as a full or partial beneficiary to your retirement plan or life insurance policy.
- You can designate the Kappa Foundation as the beneficiary of all or part of the remainder of your estate or trust.
- You can designate the Kappa Foundation as the full or partial beneficiary of an annuity or trust you have established.
If you wish to document your bequest intention, please complete the Confidential Bequest Notification Form and mail it to our headquarters office. For more detailed information on including the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation in your estate plan, please contact the Foundation office:
Cheryl Davis
Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation, Inc.
2322-24 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19132
Phone: (215) 225-6566
Email: cdavis@TheKappaFoundation.org