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Your donation to the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation helps us to support the programs, initiatives and organizations that are dedicated to the empowerment of the nation’s most underserved communities and the investment in our youth to become the next generation of leaders and achievers. It’s not just a donation, it’s an investment in achievement!

Select and learn more about each program below:

The Undergraduate Leadership Institute is a highly structured and intense leadership experience designed to increase undergraduates’ capacity to lead in multiple contexts – in the fraternity, on campus, and/or in their communities.

As an Undergraduate Leadership Institute participant, Brothers will:

  1. Learn ways to improve his chapter
  2. Network and fellowship with fraternity leaders and undergraduate brothers
  3. Understand and appreciate leadership styles similar to and different from his own
  4. Engage in meaningful dialogue about the concept of leadership in the 21st century
  5. Develop skills related to managing one‘s “brand” and career
  6. Learn about career opportunities at General Electric

Guide Right is a program for the educational and occupational guidance of youth, primarily inspirational and informational in character. Its reach extends to high schools and colleges alike. In the latter, giving due attention to the needs of undergraduate Brothers.

The purposes of the Guide Right Service Program are to place the training, experience, and friendly interest of successful men, at the disposal of youth needing inspiration and counsel regarding their choice of a life’s career, while the community is made aware of the problems that may be encountered as these youth seek to realize lives of usefulness

Guide Right encompasses many of our youth oriented programs such as mentoring, college preparatory programs, and tutoring. However, the Flagship Initiative of the Guide Right Service Program is the Kappa Leadership Development League.

The Diamonds In The Rough College Preparation and Achievement Initiative was developed in the spirit of establishing a new and bold agenda of increasing Black Male Achievement within the underserved communities of color throughout America. It is based on the fundamental belief that within every young man lies the potential to Achieve greatness…when they are provided the proper tools, resources and support to prosper.

The brainchild of the 32nd Grand Polemarch of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated; the Diamonds In the Rough initiative is strategically designed to increase the number of young men of color being accepted and attending post secondary institutions through greater preparation and affordability.
The Diamonds In the Rough College Preparation and Achievement Initiative seeks to:


  • Create a scholarship research database that has identified over 1.7 million dollars in potential scholarships accessible to young men of color.
  • The acquisition of 21st century innovative tools and resources that improve college preparation, education and readiness
  • The utilization of social media to serve as platform and pipeline of critical information to assist youth and parents in making responsible choices and decisions regarding their post secondary future.
  • Establishment of strategic partnerships with post secondary institutions to develop innovative “school to college pipeline” programs.


Currently the Diamonds in the Rough College Preparation and Achievement Initiative has been implemented in over 80 Kappa League and Guide Right programs throughout the country servicing areas such as Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Trenton, Charlotte, St Louis, Denver, Memphis, etc.

The Kappa Leadership & Development League is a program designed to aid young men of high school age to grow and develop their leadership talents in every phase of human endeavor. Kappa League provides both challenging and rewarding experiences to enhance their lives. Since the fundamental purpose of Kappa Alpha Psi is ACHIEVEMENT, it is therefore the Fraternity’s primary purpose to help these young men achieve worthy goals for themselves, and make constructive contributions to their community when they assume leadership roles.

The basic objectives of the Kappa Leadership Development League may be summarized as follows:

To help youth, especially those of high school graduating classes, in their selection of courses leading to vocations compatible with their aptitudes and personalities.

To assist students, while they are training, to get started in the employment, and to progress successfully in they’re chosen fields.

To assist parents in the handling of their children by given them the opportunities to talk over their problems with those who know and are successful in their chosen vocations.

To afford the less fortunate youths a respite from the drudgery of the streets, through sponsored trips to ball games, zoological garden, museums, theater, and other activities.

To inform youth of the values of higher education, assistance available for continued pursuits, scholarship, loans, professional opportunities, and of current labor demands and the trends on the effect of these demands and trends on the labor market.

Kappa Kamp is conceived as a summer enrichment camp providing students, ages 12-16, with the opportunity to acquire productive life-skills through intensive workshops and learning through structured play activities. Students may choose from a number of enrichment camps and classes, as well as attend a variety of cultural and recreational activities, field trips, and educational lectures. Work, fun, and more, all take place within a safe, professionally designed and supervised setting.d


The primary objectives of the enrichment camps are to:

  • Provide enrichment activities for ages 12-16.
  • Motivate students to seek higher levels of achievement.
  • Expose students to activities rich in cultural information and experiences.
  • Develop students’ reading, writing, and speaking skills while involved in each camp.
  • Provide experiences that focus on science technology and survival.
  • Allow campers to make friends from around the world in a structured, safe environment.
  • Provide a spiritual faith-based atmosphere for human growth and development.
  • Provide character education and citizenship in an ethical environment.

As you are aware, Hurricane Helene has devasted communities in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. These communities are now in the eye of the storm of Hurricane Milton.

Our brothers and their families in the impacted areas will greatly need assistance. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated and the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation are committed to helping our brothers in their time of need.

This is a call to action to assist Kappa’s relief efforts by giving to the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation’s iKare Disaster Relief Fund. There is no amount too small and all proceeds will be directed to our hurricane assistance work. Please click the link to give to the iKARE: Disaster Relief Fund.

Remember, “I Can Because iKare.” Let us continue to keep our brothers in prayer and lend a helping hand wherever we can.

Yours in the Bond,
Michael J. Dubose
Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation President