

Youth Development and Education

The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation and the College Board are pleased to announce a new national collaboration with the mission to help...
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Diversity and Inclusion

The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation and the College Board are pleased to announce a new national collaboration with the mission to help...
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Disaster Relief

The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation and the College Board are pleased to announce a new national collaboration with the mission to help...
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Community Development

The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation and the College Board are pleased to announce a new national collaboration with the mission to help...
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Health and Wellness

The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation and the College Board are pleased to announce a new national collaboration with the mission to help...
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iKare: Disaster Relief

57% Donated/$17,000 To Go
  Our thoughts and prayers are with our Brothers in the Western Province who have been impacted by the California wildfires. Authorities...
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Kappa Kamp

50% Donated/$7,000 To Go
Kappa Kamp is conceived as a summer enrichment camp providing students, ages 12-16, with the opportunity to acquire productive life-skills through intensive...
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Kappa League

85% Donated/$7,458 To Go
The Kappa Leadership & Development League is a program designed to aid young men of high school age to grow and develop...
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Guide Right

73% Donated/$21,313 To Go
Guide Right is a program for the educational and occupational guidance of youth, primarily inspirational and informational in character. Its reach extends...
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Leadership Institute

3% Donated/$96,312 To Go
The Undergraduate Leadership Institute is a highly structured and intense leadership experience designed to increase undergraduates’ capacity to lead in multiple contexts...
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