The priority purpose of the Foundation is to raise money to award grants for community projects which are intended to enhance the lives and status of the underclass of our society. All grants are restricted to non-profit entities.

A. Priority for awards are given to proposals for programs primarily involving youth. Secondary consideration is for start-up programs.
B. The Board of Directors shall determine the total amount to be allocated to grants each year when adopting its annual Budget.
C. The Grants Committee shall advertise Requests For Proposals when it deems the need to do so.
D. All proposals should at the very least include a Summary of the Project, a Budget, and a Projected Timeline for Execution
E. Unsolicited proposals may be received at any time, but will be acted upon only along with the annual process.
F. Grants cannot be awarded to the same project for a duration of more than three (3) successive years.
G. The normal timing of the granting process is to solicit proposals in the fall and award the grants in the Spring. Effective dates are determined by the proposals.
H. A Grant will be awarded at each Grand Chapter Meeting to a project in the host city recommended by the host chapter.