iKare Disaster Relief Fund Set Up for Victims of the California Wildfires
The California wildfires continue to devastate and destroy homes and communities. Although we do not know how great the devastation will be, we know that... Read More
The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation Launches
“A New Way Forward”
On Saturday, January 9, 2016 the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation, during its annual meeting, welcomed its new Board President Michael DuBose and Board of Directors for the 2016-2017 year. With the installment of the new board the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation unveiled its strategic approach known as “A New Way Forward.” As part of this new approach, the Kappa Foundation has set out a mission to become one of the nations most influential and impactful philanthropic organizations for communities of color in America.
Under the “New Way Forward” the Kappa Foundation will seek to increase funding support for chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated, undergraduate initiatives and community based organizations. In order to accomplish these objectives the Foundation has set an ambitious goal of raising 1 million dollars by June 2017 for its infrastructure and programming initiatives.
In order to accomplish its mission the Kappa Foundation has launched the development of a strategic plan and restructuring of its communication system with the Fraternity membership. In addition, the Board of Directors has hired Brother L-Mani S. Viney to serve as its Executive Director to oversee the day-to-day operations of the Foundation.
The Kappa Foundation is now led by a strong board of directors who have significant accomplishments in business as executives and serving on several non-profit boards. Michael DuBose, Vice President of National Accounts and Cross Border Business for Grainger, Incorporated is the new board President. Joining the board includes the new board Vice President Rod Adkinson, former Senior Vice President of IBM; Donald Bland former President and CEO of Wal-Mart Argentina; Kennis Wilkins CEO of Wilkins Insurance and Cain Hayes, President of National Accounts for Aetna. Rounding out the board includes current members the 33rd Grand Polemarch, Thomas L. Battles Jr., Senior Vice Grand Polemarch Reuben A. Shelton, nominations chairman; Junior Vice Grand Polemarch and 2nd Vice president Chastin Gammage, National Silhouette President, Jacqueline Sharp-Massey; Treasurer A. Ronald Berryman; Secretary, Michael Atkinson; Grand Keeper of Records and Exchequer, Chester Leaks, Margie Southard of State Farm, Linnes Finney; the 27th Past Grand Polemarch Robert l. Harris, Director Emeritus; William Croom, Director Emeritus and past board president Adolphus M. Pruitt. William Donan, former Regional President of Cardinal Healthcare Inc., to lead the K-100 committee.
For more information regarding the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation, please visit the Kappa Foundation website at www.TheKappaFoundation.org or contact L-Mani S. Viney at 201-965-8732 or Lviney@TheKappaFoundation.org